The Benefit Of UV Suntan For Our Health

These days our civilization suffers from a lack of UV suntan in our daily lives. We get out of the house into our cars, drive to work, get into the office and the same back home. Count the minutes you let some sunshine into your eyes and onto your skin, it will be only a few every day! The opposite happens when we go on holiday, we try to get all the sunshine we missed over months in just a couple of days. That´s bad either.

With an UV suntan of only 30 minutes a day (10-20 minutes will do for very people with fair skin), our health would benefit enormous. Let me give you a list of the positive effects of a healthy UV suntan:

Sunlight and health benefits:
first of all think of the UV light as food in general, without we can not survive.
Have a look at the positive effects:
activates the vitamin D synthesis.
lowers the blood pressure.
increases the heart activity.
lowers the cholesterol levels.
helps against skin diseases.
helps fighting infectious diseases.
increases the production of sexual hormone.
prevents caries.
activates important hormone of the skin.
reduces stress hormone.
provides repair mechanisms of the chromosomes,
and with a light UV suntan you can reduce your risk of getting osteoporosis.

It´s incredible, isn´t it? Today we suffer from so many "lifestyle" diseases and could cure so many of them so easily! But it is all about proportionality, too much sun exposure could do damage also. Instead of burning in the sun like a steak on the BBQ in our beach holidays, we could do some activities in the shade as well. We could take less sun screen lotion, which ingredients are in suspicion to cause skin cancer too, see below:

PABA, used for many years as the first ingredient in most sunscreens, is a mutagen and carcinogen, causing damage to human cell DNA.

Benzophenone, used to absorb UVB rays, is used in industrial processes to create free radicals as a catalyst. When
Benzophenone absorbs UV light, it breaks down into free radicals that age skin and can cause cancer.

Triethanolamine, another UV blocker, combines with nitrites (often used as preservatives in minute quantities not listed on sunscreen labels) to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. In addition to being free radical generators, many of the chemicals used in sunscreens are hormone disruptors and have estrogenic activity in the human body.


Sunlight and healthy skin:
according to several studies appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer. Now research shows that melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens. It is interesting that melanoma is actually more common in indoor workers than in outdoor workers, and is more common in regions of your body that are not exposed to the sun at all.

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